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Jonathan Hahn - Advisor 

Jonathan Hahn is a renowned technology investor with extensive experience in the tech industry. He pursued business studies at  from Harvard University, where he gained a deep understanding of the workings of the business world.


After completing his studies, Jonathan started his career by working for a number of technology startups, where he honed his skills in business development, product management, and sales. He quickly made a name for himself in the industry and was soon recognized as one of the most promising young technology investors.


Over the years, Jonathan has invested in a wide range of technology startups, from early-stage companies to established businesses, and has helped many of them grow and succeed. He is known for his ability to identify promising new technologies and trends early on, and for his knack for picking winning teams and business models.


In addition to his work as an advisor, investor, Jonathan is also a sought-after speaker and mentor, and has advised many entrepreneurs and business leaders on how to navigate the complex world of technology investing. He is passionate about helping others succeed and is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with the next generation of business leaders.


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